Have you watched the Amazing Race television show and wondered if -- or were sure you could -- compete? If so, the Great Escape is looking for globetrotters and adventurous travelers to join its annual Global Scavenger Hunt, a true adventure race. The 2011 three-week long experience, April 15- May 7, has wrapped up, and you can get a sense of the race from comments on the Web site. The race began in Los Angeles and ended in New York - but participants had to travel the long way around the globe.
Applications are now being taken for the 2012 race.
What Will You Do?
During this "Great Escape" 25 teams of two will travel around the world, but won't know which 10 countries on four continents they are going to visit. The activities will include a mix of cultural-oriented scavenges, such as finding a Buddha's tooth in Sri Lanka, and challenges such as entering a camel race in India or taking a photo of a wild orangutan. The goal is to test each team's ability to deal with the difficulties of extended travel and personal dynamics within the team. On the Web site, you can see photos and comments from travelers as they met their challenges in 10 countries on their way around the world during the 2009 race.
Who's It For?
The race is for curious and savvy travelers eager for new, often difficult and at times strange mind- and body-testing experiences. As one former contest, Randy of Newport Beach, says, "A cross between Abercrombie & Kent and Lonely Planet." Another contestant, Jason of Toronto, explains, "This even is geared toward people who are really interested in the culture, the people and the places...They attract the traveler, not the tourist."
What's It Going to Cost?
It's expensive, but this travel-a-thon is designed to raise money for several internationally-focused humanitarian organizations. Accepted participants pay or raise the entry fee of $9,900 per person. Some teams raise a lot more and earmark their funds for specific charities. Because some of the funds go to non-profits, some of the entry fees may be tax-deductible. The goal is to raise a million dollars for charities such as CARE, Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF.
Contact Information
If you think this adventure race might be the experience for you visit
Global Scavenger Hunt to learn more or call 310-281-7809. Potential travelers will be interviewed for suitability and asked to help in fund-raising events to help reach the million-dollar goal. Single travelers can apply.
More Adventure Travel Races
To learn about other exciting adventure travel races for the ultra competitive and for those who simply want to turn their next trip into a more moderate version of a reality TV-style adventure race
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